Diversify Your Portfolio to Manage Risk ››

There’s an old adage that says we shouldn’t keep all of our eggs in one basket. This can be interpreted in a number of ways. For investors, it is synonymous with diversifying their portfolios. Beginning investors often put all of their money into

Ten Investing Mistakes ››

How do you make your money work for you? One way is by investing your money. Investments are a way to make your money grow through the stock market, investment companies, mutual funds, and retirement accounts. But, while you

Getting Financial Help ››

Before you begin the process of finding a financial coach, you have to ascertain what role the financial coach is going to play in your life. In other words, why do you need a financial coach? Perhaps you are a baby

Why Should You Invest? ››

For the uninitiated, investing can be a scary concept. Putting your hard-earned money into stocks, bonds and other instruments that could lose value doesn’t seem to make much sense on the surface. While it’s true that some people lose their life savings

Actively Managed ETFs ››

With so many investors questioning traditional market thinking about index-based investing, exchange traded funds (ETFs) are starting to move beyond their traditional passive, index territory into more active management. To some, it’s a fad. To others, it’s a serious threat to the territory

Financial Stress ››

Financial stress has many causes. For some, job loss or illness has made it difficult to make ends meet. For others, the volatility of today’s stock market is a major area of concern. But whatever the reason may be, financial stress can

Money Market Funds ››

When it comes to savings, money market accounts are among the most popular. They offer better returns than most standard savings accounts, yet still allow easy access to your money when you need it. These accounts are often confused with money market

What Are Securities? ››

For the uninitiated, the stock market and all of the terms associated it can be as clear as mud. While most of us have a basic understanding of stocks themselves, our eyes tend to glaze over when presented with related concepts. So

Investment Time Horizon ››

Whenever you buy an investment, it’s a good idea to think about how long you want to own it. This is called your investment time horizon. Are you hoping to make a quick profit so you can take a nice vacation this

Investing vs. Speculating ››

Some view investing in stocks, bonds and other investments as nothing more than gambling. Others see it as a smart strategy for making your money work for you. Who’s right? It depends on your approach. These days it’s no secret that practically all