How Changes to the Tax Rate on Stock Dividends May Affect You ››

There are several potentially major changes to how much tax you will have to pay on stock dividends. Here is some advice that you need to consider about your investment portfolio. Under current U.S. tax law, dividends paid to holders of U.S. corporate

Establish An Investing Discipline When You Are In College ››

Going to college and establishing what you want to pursue in the future is a great time in your life. The academic and social experiences during the college years are often unlike any others. But even though it seems like the last

Improve Your Investment Skills ››

You work hard every day, so you want your money to work for you. Maybe you are accomplishing this with investments. But, everyone can get a little better. If you are looking for ways to increase your portfolio, improving your skills may

Minimizing The Risks Of Online Trading ››

Are you interested in investing in stocks and other commodities? Trading online has become increasingly popular to help increase the size of your portfolio. But, there are risks with day trading. Here is some advice to help minimize the risks of online

How Risky Is Your Investment Portfolio? ››

In investment circles you may hear words like “risk” and “diversification.” It relates to how well your investments can do or not do. If you have an investment portfolio or are getting into investing, how you build your portfolio is very important. Everyone

Common Investing Mistakes ››

No one is planning on working forever. Some sort of investment, whether it is a retirement fund, real estate or other vehicle, needs to be looked at to finance your life after you retire from the world of work. But, be careful.

Online Investing Pros and Cons ››

The Internet has made a lot of things much easier than they once were. Instead of loading up and going to the mall, we can shop online. Telecommuting, which was once virtually unheard of, is now pretty common. And while investing in

Monitoring Your Investment Portfolio ››

So you have gotten with a professional investment counselor. They have given you advice on how to go about putting together your investment portfolio to best suit your needs. Now that you have laid out the money, how do you know what

What are TIPS? ››

You’ve probably heard about Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS). They are treasury bonds that adjust their interest and principal payments with inflation. TIPS will likely become much more popular with the perceived inflation risk that may loom in the future. Like other Treasury securities,

Market Capitalization ››

In the investment world of stocks, bonds, bulls and bears, there are many terms that you may have heard about but are not familiar with. One of those terms is market capitalization. Companies are classified in many ways. These classifications are used